I've Been Tagged!

This is so exciting! I've been tagged by another blogger! Thank you Mrs. G at http://its-grow-time.blogspot.com/ WOW! The first time ever:) Sorry that it took me so long to get around to this! I'm not sure what - but it's been busy! So here goes...

  1. You must post the rules.
  2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
  3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
  4. Tag 12 people and link them to your post!
  5. Let them know you've tagged them!
 12 Fun Facts about me - I hope I can think of that many!

  1. I will be married 25 years in June to my best friend! I can't believe that it has been that long! That is a great thing!:)
  2. I love to scrapbook! I just wish I had more time to work on my albums.
  3. I love teaching kindergarten! I taught second grade and loved it too, but kindergarten is my passion!
  4. I would love to go back to school and get my doctorate. Anyone know where to get one in Early Childhood Education?
  5. I have two wonderful children. One is going to college in the fall - WHERE DID THAT TIME GO?? She is going to our alma mater:) The other is in high school also. He's taller than his father! OMG
  6. I could read all day long - I love to read including professional books:) I'm such a nerd! 
  7. I love technology:) Always playing and trying to find new things:)
  8. I love organizing! It is fun to clean out and get things where they need to be.
  9. I have been to over 30 states! I would love to get to all 50 one day!
  10. I like to walk on my treadmill or outside -although I need to get back into it though.
  11. I love to listen to all kinds of music - rock, country, oldies, etc. 
  12. I wish I had a decent singing voice! Good things the kinders don't mind:)

Mrs. G's Questions for me:
  1. How often do you post on your blog? I would love to say once a week, but not often enough.
  2. Phone camera or camera camera? Usually camera but I like having the phone camera available all the time!
  3. What was the last book you read? Total Participation Techniques
  4. What color polish is on your nails? None at this moment, but in two days - HOT PINK!
  5. Snow or sand? Both - how weird is that? I love having both = although this winter is really mild and I'm pretty happy about that right now.
  6. How long have you been teaching? 23 years :)
  7. Have you ever been a mentor teacher? Yes - twice:)
  8. What does the perfect day look like? Sleeping in,taking a walk, quiet breakfast, shopping, scrapbooking, walking on the beach, sightseeing, going to a museum, lunch with friends, reading, quiet dinner with the hubby, movie, staying up late to read... Oh so many things to do in 24 hours:) LOL
  9. Can you wear jeans to school? Yes, on Friday's - we pay $1 to wear them - one week it goes to the union scholarship fund and the other week it goes to Pay Day for Kids - helps kids in our schools.
  10. Do you play and instruments? I took organ lessons for 8 years, played clarinet in school, play the piano - thanks to those organ lessons.
  11. What is your favorite dessert? Oh my - so many choices! Ice cream - moose tracks, cookie dough, vanilla; cake - chocolate, apple pie; Do I really have to pick one? lol
12 Blogs to tag!
  1. Mrs. Bell aplacecalledkindergarten.blogspot.com
  2. Sue arainbowofteaching.blogspot.com
  3. Mrs. Kugler abc123kindergarten.blogspot.com
  4. Pam candokinders.blogspot.com
  5. Kathleen growingkinders.blogspot.com
  6. Kim and Meagn http://kindergals.blogspot.com
  7. Kat http://kindergartencowgirl.blogspot.com
  8. Fran http://kindergartencrayons.blogspot.com
  9. Maggie http://maggieskindercorner.blogspot.com
  10. Mrs. Wills http://www.mrswillskindergarten.com
  11. Renate and Heather http://peaceloveandkinder.blogspot.com
  12. Mrs. S http://spotlightonkindergarten.blogspot.com

 My 12 questions:
  1. What would you be if you weren't a teacher?
  2. How many states have you  visited?
  3. Apple or pc?
  4. Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?
  5. Any pets?
  6. Pepsi or Coke?
  7. What is your favorite children's book?
  8. Do you scrapbook or stamp?
  9. How many siblings? first, middle or last child? ( I know that is more than one but they are related)
  10. What is your favorite song?


  1. I loved reading and getting to know you! I am your newest follower! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance!

    Heather's Heart

  2. Hi Kristen! You can purchase the Thing 1 craftivity at my TN store.


    Teachery Tidbits

  3. Heather- thanks so much for the sweet words! I'm so happy to have more followers! Now - I still need to find more time to blog! I love your blog - following already! Thanks for all your great work!


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