SPRING!!! Bulletin Board Set

Spring!!!! It’s here! Well, it says so on the calendar! Now if the weather would figure it out! I’m tired of coats! I’m tired of still helping zip up the little one’s coats! I want no coats! I want the coat closet doors to close and not have anything fall out! Soon – it has to happen soon!

Well, I took down the bulletin board. Now to decorate it tomorrow. I can’t wait to use this new set from Carson Dellosa!

This set has tons included. I’m laughing ‘cause it is called a Mini Bulletin Board set, but I know that it will cover the whole board! It has headers, accents, smaller signs, and lots of student pieces. It is soo cute! There are flowers and rain stuff and a sun and umbrellas. So even though April is for showers – there are some cute pieces that are sunny! I’m pretty sure this will last the rest of the year! ;-)

I am not quite sure what I will use it for but I’ll figure that out. Maybe the kids will help me! I know I can use it for displaying student work. I could use it for math facts, sight words, April words, weather instruction- so many possibilities! I’ll be able to change it up with the headers. This is a great “mini” set! 

  I participate in the Brand Ambassador Program for Carson-Dellosa and have received this product for free to review.


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