More Shopping!!

OK - My family and I just returned from vacation in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It was beautiful in the Smokey Mountains and very relaxing. We spent the day shopping around town. Found this GREAT shop with the CUTEST stuff! It's called U Name It -everything has letters on it!!   I spent waaaayyy too much $$$ but it was worth it:) The picture ( I even figured out how to change it to go the correct direction) shows what I bought. The black is a rug, the green a flag, a clipboard, an id holder, a pen and stick on polka dots!! Everything is POLKA DOTS!! That is the theme of the year, hopefully.  I got the M's for my last name.... then half way home it dawned on me I should have gotten K's for kindergarten... why can't my brain work faster!! It will be fine - I figured it will be more letters for the kiddos to recognize! :)  I loved this store! I could have bought one of everything. I think it will make the room happy! Check out the web site!!


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