Currently July!

One of these days I will make it on the first of the month! lol Not my All Star that's for sure! 

I love LISTENING to the quiet in the neighborhood from my back patio! It is one of my favorite places in of the house! We got some great new adriondack chairs and a fire pit this summer. :-) The new dining table is coming soon to match too! Can't wait! I will cry when we have to put it all away MONTHS from now! 

I do LOVE school! I just LOVE not having a set schedule in the morning! I have gotten better at getting up for school over the years - two kids and working 25 years will do that to a person! lol But oh- to just get up whenever (the kids take care of themselves now!), work out (if I feel like it), eat breakfast on the porch, read the newspaper, read facebook. It's just such a relaxing way to start the day! 

I'm THINKING I need to stay home and get some stuff done on that list! haha That is the fun of summer though- spontaneous trips and visits! I'll get to grocery shopping hopefully tomorrow- or we won't have anything to eat over the 4th! I will get to all of it. I hope! I'm still trying to figure out how some of you major bloggers do all the things you blog about, blog, teach, have a house and have a life! I can't seem to get it all done! 

Yes I do LOVE school. I LOVE being a teacher! I do LOVE summer though! I wish it would be longer! Might be because I will be sending my oldest off for her LAST (how?) year of college and my baby to his FIRST (how?) year of college 20 hours away!! Sending me happy vibes please! 

I really NEED a year of  nothing else- just reading! I go to BJ's and Sam's and write down more titles. I get the monthly email from Goodreads and iBooks. I write down more titles. Then I read blogs and write down educational book titles! Never enough hours in the day! Now I NEED to go to bed and read! 

Well, I don't know about this ALL STAR thing. I had trouble thinking what I was an all star at. I do like lesson planning and thinking what and how to get those students learning. So that's what I picked. Not totally sure of that one, but there it is! 

August- take your time! 


  1. Your back patio sounds wonderful! It's been raining a lot here in Texas, so we haven't been able to enjoy outside as much!

    The Learning Chambers

    1. Hope you get to enjoy some nice weather soon Stephanie!

  2. I LOVE summer too! We just moved and some chairs and a fire pit would go perfectly on our deck! Our last house didn't have a those items are on my "to-buy" list! Did you get colored chairs?! I hope July goes slowly...for you...and for all of us dreading the end of summer! :-)

    1. HA I SOOOOOO wanted rainbow chairs! Dear husband wanted more substantial chairs than the plastic ones. So we found some made from that poly wood. They had fold-able ones that will be easier to store but don't come in bright pretty colors.
      :( So I got comfy chairs and I LOVE them. Just not pretty colors. July better go slow!!

  3. I'm saying "July, please take your time." Like please don't fly by as June did. Jeez! I haven't even begun having a relaxing summer yet. I need some down time ASAP. As for your All * -- I think that is pretty good. I wish I was better at planning. I'm sometimes too often flying by the seat of my pants. I admire you for that one.

    1. Thanks for those kind words! We all have our strengths! Maybe if we ALL say "July PLEASE take your time!" It will help!!!.


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