Five For Friday

Five for Friday! 


OK It's NOT Friday and it's LATE on Saturday afternoon, but I'm linking up!!! I wanted to do this last night but I started report cards instead. I know! Crazy right?!?! Well, I got them done! I even updated the Data Binder! WOO HOO! So here I am!!

So I'm linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching! This is a first for me! I've been planning all week! I even remembered to take some pictures! Feeling good about myself! haha
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OK This was last week but I'm still counting it! I'm a newbie here so I'm making my own rules! lol
I did a Twitter Chat that Debbie Clement hosts on a Tuesday night before Christmas. It's every Tuesday at 9. Practice is at 8. This week the guest EDU CELEBRITY is Mrs. Wills Kindergarten! Can't wait! Just use the #teacherfriends and stop over! It's fast and fun!  Oh sorry - sided tracked! So any who! I won a song from Debbie! AWESOME! She sent two cause she thought I had to wait awhile - which I didn't, but I'm not complaining! So we wrote her a thank you note in a shared writing activity. And she sent this picture! It made me feel awesome!! A true celebrity in the early childhood field! <3

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I did this blubber experiment YEARS ago! I always loved it! So I decided to do it again as we talked about animals and winter. I told them they couldn't talk and tell how their hand felt when it was in the blubber! It was SOOOOO QUIET!!!!!! We had so much fun being scientist! Thanks to Kreative in Kinder for the freebie experiment sheet! It was perfect! The bottom right picture is my hands in - they made me put them in after they had a turn! They weren't letting me get away with warm dry hands! 
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Here is my desk. Yes, it is my guided reading table. I got rid of my desk several years ago and I wouldn't go back. When we moved schools this summer, I had the desk removed. The principal and the custodian had to "think" about it - mainly looking for storage. I'm not sure what I would have done if they had told me I had to leave it in the room! So I linked up with Tammy at Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten for the #teachersgetorganized2015 I'm hoping it forces me to get something done this year! I did clean some of the things up, but it needs redone again. Things are not where they need to be or where they make sense. That is the plan for this week! I might try to take it all out and then put it back in.... we'll see how that works out! 
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Found this fun roll and cover activity at The Activity Mom. We had so much fun! The kiddos did a great job and loved using the cotton balls. You know they are snow balls! lol I love when they figure out the connections! It's like a big secret they crack! I'm sure I heard a few kids singing Let It Go as they were playing too! 

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This is my "baby"! This was his last day of classes for high school! He needs to go Tuesday for a final but I'll be at school so I took his picture already! He is all done high school! I find it hard to believe! He is done early - not June yet! SORRY! ;-) He has all the credits he needs and he did dual enrollment with a college, but there wasn't any good core courses for him to take this semester. So we went with "graduating" early. He won't get his diploma till June, but he doesn't have to go back! I can't believe that he is old enough to be done HS! Where does the time go? 

WOW!!! I did it!! I had 5 pictures! 5 Things to chat about! YEA!!! I'm hoping to be back next week! Have an AWESOME week! Thanks for reading! Please follow if you don't already. :-)


  1. I love the Olaf activity! My son would love that! And you did a great job for your first link up!


  2. Great post! I got rid of my teacher desk a few years ago and use my guided reading table too. I agree I would never go back. Good for you getting organized. So cool you guys got the picture from Debbie Clement. Is the chat at 8 Easter time?? Love Mrs. Wills too. I linked up late as well. But I figure better late than never. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, now that your report cards are done.

    Luv My Kinders


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