Science - Interactive Notebooks

Interactive Notebooks -Science
The interactive notebook craze continues. Carson Dellosa continues to support the trend. There are great kindergarten appropriate topics in this book. All the topics are sorted by the categories – life, physical, and Earth and space. Eleven activities in each category. Jammed packed if you ask me! I love being a Carson Dellosa Brand Ambassador – makes my heart happy trying out these products and breathing a sigh of relief when they fit perfectly into my curriculum! This is a fun thing to do with the students – and really helpful in their thinking process. We all know – hands on is the way to go! This gives them a great way to make their learning stick – it is interactive and helps organize their thinking. The more we do this type of organizational thinking in the younger grades, the more the students will transfer it on their own as they get older.
I really enjoy teaching these science topics with the students. The resources in this book make life easier! It is all done and ready! And something for everything! Even if you do not do the whole notebook thing, you can still use these on a piece of construction paper. Do several that go together and make them into a book. Possibilities are endless! The end of the book has lots of reproducibles too! So you can create your own! Keep it going!

  I participate in the Brand Ambassador Program for Carson-Dellosa and have received this product for free to review.


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