Fall Fun- Stickers and Notepads from Carson Dellosa!

Stickers and notepads! A teacher’s favorite things! These cute fall resources from Carson Dellosa are perfect for so many things! Not just the obvious. We know we can put stickers on papers as we grade them. We know we can write notes home about how great our students are on the notepads. We can also use them in other ways. We can use the stickers in a rebus sentence or story for our beginner writers. We can use them as counters in ten frames to make a matching center. We can use them to make patterns. They are a great quick way to get a picture in a center activity. The notepads can be used the same way. Each student could get one and write a sentence for a class book. The paper is already done for you. You could use the notepad to make matching pieces for an alphabet game, beginning sounds game, matching numbers to sets, matching numbers to ten frames. The list goes on as far as you need it. These are great quality products from Carson Dellosa. So cute for this time of the year! As much as I don’t want summer to end…. These make my fall heart happy! I participate in the Brand Ambassador Program for Carson-Dellosa and have received this product for free to review.


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