Here is number 3! Can I just mention that I am proud of myself for getting these up on this blog??? It took awhile, but I persevered and did it! Just like I tell the kiddos - I kept trying! I worked hard! :)
Here is a retell we did of Joy Cowley's The Monsters' Party. The students made new pictures and then we retold the story to go along with it.There will be three different videos to watch because we had enough students to make three different retells.
This is the class singing Albuquerque Turkey after our Thanksgiving feast! This is one of my favorite days in kindergarten! It is so much fun to smell the turkey and the other trimmings all morning and then enjoy feasting together! Thank you to all the adults in the class that helped in any way! You are all so busy and yet were willing to help with preparing/supplying a whole other part for our feast. What a wonderful job I have! I am so THANKFUL for my students and their families!
This is our class singing the "A" song from Heidi Songs. It is definitely a favorite of the class. It has certainly helped with learning our letters and sounds.