Liebster Award! Melissa at nominated me for this award! How stinking fun! This award is for bloggers who are new to the game and trying to grow their readership! I have to answer the 11 questions from Melissa, and then nominate 11 blogs of my choice that have less than 200 followers! That might be the hard part! 1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging ? I started blogging in 2011! UGH! I actually had to look that up. :( Oh my! I do remember that I was finding some kindergarten blogs on line as I was looking for ideas. So I figured I would start my own! 2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why ? Happy - I hope! 3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey you wished you knew before ? I wish I knew how to be consistent with my posts and what to post about! I also should look into paying someone to customize my blog- feel the same as Melissa ! ...