
Showing posts from July, 2015

Teaching With Intention Chapter 7

Well, here we go again! It's that time  of the week when I am late to the party. Sadly I HATE being late! I cringe, I sweat, I rush to not be late! But somehow - in this blog world- I am late to the link up every week. MAYBE that will change soon when the kids leave for college and we are just two people in the house again. Come on! Let me dream!  OK Chapter 7! Why can't I be Debbie Miller? She is so smart! This is a short and powerful chapter. I kinda wanted it to go on a little more. I sat down in my comfy chair on the deck, had my feet up enjoying the BEAUTIFUL cool evening and then the chapter ended. The thoughts were going through my mind though!  I love Debbie's simple definitions of summative and formative assessments. I know them but love how she put them - that's what I want to tell the student teachers, the parents, and anyone that might ask. :-) You know sooo many people ask about them! The quote from Erma Bombeck is perfect also! How sad wil...

Currently July!

One of these days I will make it on the first of the month! lol Not my All Star that's for sure!  I love LISTENING to the quiet in the neighborhood from my back patio! It is one of my favorite places in  of the house! We got some great new adriondack chairs and a fire pit this summer. :-) The new dining table is coming soon to match too! Can't wait! I will cry when we have to put it all away MONTHS from now!  I do LOVE school! I just LOVE not having a set schedule in the morning! I have gotten better at getting up for school over the years - two kids and working 25 years will do that to a person! lol But oh- to just get up whenever (the kids take care of themselves now!), work out (if I feel like it), eat breakfast on the porch, read the newspaper, read facebook. It's just such a relaxing way to start the day!  I'm THINKING I need to stay home and get some stuff done on that list! haha That is the fun of summer though- spontaneous trips and visits! I...

Teaching With Intention Chapter 5 Swimming With Sharks!

Oh this just gets better and better! I want Debbie Miller to come to my school  classroom! I want to see her in action! I want to analyze every lesson now! Those questions on page 69! OMG!! Thought provoking! I want to make sure the kids are more engaged and participating in their learning! I love the quote from  Frank Smith says, "We can only learn from activities that are interesting and comprehensible to use; in other words, activities that are satisfying."  I remember reading Frank Smith in college! :) I knew I had a great foundation in education!  The whole computer file folder idea is great! I know I will be making one of those before I go back to school. Yes I'm with you  @ kindersmorgie - it will be laminated!  I also think that is a great way to start the kids thinking about their thinking. That is a perfect first lesson. I need to add more research into the class also. We do some, but not enough. I believe there will be many more schema ...