Blogger Help Needed

I make a new post and can post it to the blog. BUT... the blog always goes back to the oldest post when I open it up. Does anyone know how to get the newest post be the first one that people see when they open the blog? I am sure it is just a setting but I can't figure out which one:( Thanks for any help a fellow blogger can give this new blogger! I really need to get going on this math station blog too! Thanks again!


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  2. It's been awhile since I played in blogger but it should be in one of the menu's when you edit. It asks you how you want the posts displayed. If I am able to I will look and see!

  3. Look under posting....then click edit post.. this might show how they are coming up. Also make sure that you refresh your page every time you come to sign in. Just some ideas I know it crazy I am still trying to learn everything.


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