Clutter Free Classroom Assignment

The Closet Abyss!This is the closet with the language arts materials - alphabet recognition, rhyming, beginning and ending sounds, sight words, oh my! It was looking better till I bought more stuff and tried to put it in here! It is somewhat organized- rhyming stuff on one shelf, abc stuff on another, sight words on another, for the most part!This is the only large cabinet I have like this. :(  Is it any wonder why I don't use all that I have? AND when summer gets here - everything in the classroom has to be packed away - which means even more is shoved into all these closets!

This is above the hooks for the kid's coats. It is organized but not pretty.

These cabinets hold my literature. The bags are letter bags. I have one for each letter. The other stuff on top is stuff that doesn't fit into a cabinet. This area of my room is what I call the mud room. When you come into the classroom, this is where you come first. Then there is an opening right at the snowman to get into the main part of the classroom. I <3 having this mudroom, but I don't think I am using the space to my advantage. The books are all grouped by topic so I can pull what I need for each unit. Again though... when I get more (Hi my name is Kristin and I'm a Scholasticaholic!) there is no room to add it!

This is the other corner of the mud room. The classroom door is to the right of the filing cabinets and opposite this is the coat hooks. The plates are for the snack grant we got. So we have to store 2 sleeves in our classroom.

This is the back wall of my classroom. These cabinets were new when we renovated. I like them cause you can fit posters in them. Each drawer is for a month and any special unit we do during that month is also in them. I got rid of my teacher desk about two years ago. I LOVE IT! I use the top for my rack with the weeks worth of materials and pens and things. But it looks cluttered to me.

This is the math cabinet abyss! That is it- two shelves! Wonder why I can't find anything! Some of the plastic shoe boxes out in the mud room have math materials in them also.

This is the teacher/reading group table. I did get rid of those piles the next day. The black organizer is from Staples and it spins. :) I keep my assessment materials in it and pens, etc.

These are the before pictures for the Clutter Free Classroom Week 1 Project! Before pictures of the classroom, so all can see the wonderful transformation:) I can't believe that we are all brave enough to let others see these pictures! lol Here goes!


  1. I giggled when I saw yout math cabinet...looks a lot like mine - same materials also! Not sure if containers would be best due to geting the most out of your space. We will see what others suggest. Best of luck with the challenge:)

  2. Thanks Kimberlee! I'm sure we'll see many familiar items on our journey:) I don't think containers will help. It's all the odd size stuff that drives me crazy! I can't wait for the suggestions! Good luck to you also!


    School Girl Style has some great tips for all of us on the organization bandwagon! I heart #4,5,6!!! I really need to learn to keep it simple! We have a mini grant available to us at our school and I can't think of anything that I really need - I need to accept it and realize that it is ok! I don't have to get stuff, just to get stuff.

  4. You are lucky to have so much storage in your classroom! I feel that my room gets cluttered because I simply do not have any storage whatsoever. Good luck on the project! Excited to see how it looks after a few linkys!

    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well the good news is that it looks like you have a lot of great storage. Looking forward to the finished product.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  7. Can't wait to see the after pictures! I just found your blog! :)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten


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