Clutter Free Linky Week 3

Well, I only got to two shelves this week. BUT - that is two shelves more than last week! I think they look pretty good! I need to go back an inventory what is on them, but that will be easier because I can see what I have!
 This pile went to two VERY grateful friends that teach first grade! The teacher who got there first was very happy to get new center activities. These were things ordered because they said "K" - but, alas, they were not! There are sight word pages to write on and wipe off, sentence stamps, sight word games, etc. Teacher one had a few of the things, so she left the rest for teacher number two. :) Teacher Two - was ECSTATIC! She couldn't believe that I was sharing with her! Some things weren't even open. Well, there was no reason to open them when they wouldn't have been able to use them!
This pile - three VERY old things! The two small activities I had when I was teaching second grade at another building! The box was a left in the room box! :) It was rather large and had an old picture set of opposites from Frank Schaeffer. Remember those??? LOL I knew I didn't need or want them and the other two teachers wouldn't either. So, I put them in the faculty room with the plan to ditch them by Friday if they were not gone. I was the last to leave when I put them in the faculty room. By the next morning... 45 minutes before we have to be there - the two small boxes were GONE! By lunch the large box was GONE!!! Glad I could help some more people!

This was the garbage can from the two shelves. :) Yes, I put a lot of work and time into some of it, but I never used it, so it went! There were some REALLY OLD materials in there too that were left in the room!

I feel really good about what I got done! I was hoping to get some more done, but had a dentist visit to get to. I'm hoping to do some more this coming week. I like the inventory sheet - so I need to print it and USE it! Need to remember to bring the tape measure on Monday too! Not sure if I will need containers for these two shelves - they are mostly box activities. I'll see what the recommendations are. Can't wait for Sunday's post at  This is fun!


  1. Thanks for linking up! I love that you found grateful recipients for your purged items. Enjoy the weekend!

    ❤Jodi from...
    ★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
    Helping Teachers Get Organized

  2. Wow, nice job getting rid of stuff. I'm starting small too, that seems like the only way to do it!

  3. I was happy to get rid of it - for a change. I tend to want to hang on to it forever - "just in case". I just never know what "just in case" means. I figure I need to cross that bridge when and IF I ever get to it. It was good stuff too - lots of Lakeshore stuff, so it wasn't cheap, but it's not doing me any good so I wanted to share the wealth with the kids that would benefit. I think starting small is the only way to go - but I can fell the momentum growing:)


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